AssureBuy Payment Processing Window
Figure 22: AssureBuy Payment Processing Window
Top Row Buttons
The top row buttons are the available action buttons for the payment
processing screen. The buttons will be enabled or disabled according to how
the seller has setup the account in the AssureBuy Processing Setup and the
state of the transaction is currently displayed.
Field Description
Batch By selecting the Batch button, the transaction will be saved
to a batch for later processing or when the Batch Process
is run. If the button is disabled or not available, then the
batch option is not available.
Process By selecting the Process button, the transaction will be
saved and sent to the AssureBuy Gateway for processing.
Delete By selecting the Delete button, the current transaction will
be deleted from the database. No record of the transaction
will remain. This option is only available for transactions
that have not yet been processed.
Void By selecting the Void button, the current transaction will be
voided but remain in the database for historical purposes.
This option is only available for transactions that have not
yet been processed.
Clear The clear button will clear the current displayed information
and create a new transaction. If entering new transactions
is not are not allowed, the Clear button will be disabled.
The payment processing screen can be divided into four sections. The upper
left section is the credit card information. Below the credit card section is the
customer information. The upper right section displays the Great Plains
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 61