Field Name Description
Mode The mode field indicates which operation mode of
the payment gateway will be used. The two
modes of operation are Production and Test.
Production mode is used when the seller is ready
to start charging customer’s credit cards. All
transactions are then sent on to the cardholder’s
bank. Testing mode allows the seller to test their
system without sending any information to the
cardholder’s bank. The mode must be set to one
of these two settings or the gateway will return an
Warning: Setting the Mode to “Test” in your
live environment will cause transactions to
appear as if they have been processed even
though they have not been sent to the credit
card processor. Always set the mode to
“Production” in your live environment.
Test Result The test result field should be used when the
mode has been set to Test. The seller can then
chose which transaction result the gateway will
return on all test transactions. For example, if the
seller wants to review how Decline transactions
are handled within the system, then the seller
would set the test result to Decline and process a
transaction. For a definition of each of the
transaction results, please see “
” on page 28.
Primary URL The primary URL field contains the primary URL
address of the AssureBuy payment gateway. This
value will be supplied by AssureBuy during the
account setup process.
Secondary URL The secondary URL field contains the secondary
or backup URL address of the AssureBuy
payment gateway. This value will be supplied by
AssureBuy during the account setup process.
Port The port field should contain the port number.
The default port number is 443 unless otherwise
instructed by the AssureBuy support personnel.
Failover Duration The failover duration should be entered in minutes
and determines the length of time that the system
should continue using the secondary URL once a
connection error has occurred on the primary
URL. The processing system will always attempt
to connect to the AssureBuy payment gateway
using both the primary and secondary URL. Once
the primary URL is determined to have a
connectivity problem, the system will attempt to
avoid the problem by using the secondary URL
first. The secondary URL will continue to be tried
first until the failover duration expires.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Installation and Setup • 42