Code Owner Fraud Test Description
FM System The buyer's email address contains the domain of a
free Web-based email provider. Free e-mail accounts
are often used to place fraudulent on-line
WD System One or many of the transaction fields contains a word
or phrase from the restricted words watch list.
Combined Watch Codes
The combined watch code is similar to the list filters in how it performs the
fraud tests. However, the combined filter has an added feature, the list
entered by the seller can be either a list of restricted data or it can be a list of
allowed data. Currently, only one filter, the restricted country filter, has this
dual functionality. If the restricted country filter is set to “list is restricted
countries”, then only transactions with countries on the seller’s restricted list
will fail the fraud test. If the restrict country filter is set to “list is allowed
countries”, then all transactions with a billing country not on the list will fail
the fraud test. The seller can make exemptions to this test by entering the
allowed countries into the list.
Allow Flag
Fraud Test Description
CT List is
Either the buyer's shipping country or the billing
country is on the restricted country watch list.
CT List is
Either the buyer's shipping country or the billing
country is not on the seller’s allow watch list.
Override Watch Codes
Override watch codes perform two functions. The first function is a normal
fraud test that the transaction can fail; this part of the fraud filter is system
controlled. The second function is as an override, used in cases where a
seller has a valuable buyer whose transactions consistently fail one of the
override watch codes. In this case, the seller wants this buyer’s transactions
to process despite failing the fraud test for the override watch code. The
seller can enter a piece of the buyer’s transaction information into the
override watch list. Then, if the buyer’s transaction triggers the override
watch code, the watch code will allow the transaction to process anyway.
Filter Description Override
XB Too many transactions have been
received from the same billing address.
This sometimes indicates the use of a
stolen credit card.
Enter a buyer’s
street address to
allow their
transactions to
XC Too many transactions have been
received using the same credit card
number. This sometimes indicates the
use of a stolen or fraudulent credit
Enter a buyer’s
credit card number
to allow their
transactions to
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 22