Allocate or Fulfill Menu Option
When the Allocate or Fulfill menu option is chosen from the Options menu, a
window will display allowing a choice between selecting allocate, fulfill or
both. Once the options are selected and the OK button is selected, the
AssureBuy Payment Processing application will review the credit card
transactions for each document in the batch and determine whether or not
the document can be fulfilled. The allocate option is not affected by the
AssureBuy application. The fulfill option is affected only in cases where a
document has credit card transactions attached and when one or both of the
following options have been selected on the AssureBuy Processing Setup
window: “Authorization Required Before Order Fulfillment” and “Use
Transaction Amount Warning”. If neither of these options has been selected,
then the Allocate or Fulfill processing will continue without any interference
from the AssureBuy application.
Figure 32: Sales Allocation-Fulfillment Options Window
Since the processing setup options affect the system separately, each
function will be discussed independently. The “Authorization Required
Before Order Fulfillment” function is the primary function for this menu option
so the warnings associated with this function will always take precedence
over any amount warnings.
Once the “Authorization Required Before Order Fulfillment” option has been
enabled on the AssureBuy Processing Setup window, then anytime the
fulfillment option is selected, the application will automatically search the
document for any credit card transactions. If any pending transactions are
found, then the following warning message will appear: “There are pending
AssureBuy transactions for this sales document. Fulfillment is not allowed at
this time.” By selecting the OK button, the AssureBuy application will abort
the fulfillment process. Before continuing with the fulfillment on this
document, the pending credit card transaction should be processed.
If no pending transactions are found, then the AssureBuy application
searches to verify that an approved authorization, sale, capture, or manual
sale exists on the document. Failure to find an approved transaction of this
type will result in a warning message and the fulfillment process being
canceled. If an approved transaction is found, the AssureBuy system will
allow the fulfillment process to continue.
At this point, the second setup function can affect the fulfillment process by
checking to see if there is a remaining balance “on account” for the
document. If there are credit card transactions and a remaining balance due
on the document, the following warning will display: “Transaction Amount
Warning”. This warning will allow the fulfillment process to continue if the
Yes button is selected and will abort the process if the No button is selected.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 79