Introduction to AssureBuy
AssureBuy offers a reliable, scalable and secure method of outsourcing the
mission critical back office payment processing infrastructure without the
technical issues and historically high cost associated with an in-house
developed solution. Additionally, use of the AssureBuy infrastructure affords
the seller access to industry leading transaction and payment processing
expertise, which can reduce overall processing costs and prevent losses
from fraudulent transactions.
The AssureBuy Internet Payment Gateway provides businesses with real-
time access to AssureBuy’s proven back office processing infrastructure.
Using any secure SSL server-to-server communication technology,
businesses can send transactions using either standard name-value pairs or
xml formatted requests and obtain processing results in typically 3 to 5
The AssureBuy processing and risk management technology is the result of
years of Internet and payment processing experience, large infrastructure
investments, and proven security techniques. Having processed Internet
transactions since 1995, AssureBuy is among the most experienced
companies in the industry.
Figure 1 AssureBuy Communication
The above diagram shows the communication methodology employed in a
typical transaction. The buyer communicates directly with the business web
site, selects the products to be purchased and initiates the payment
transaction by clicking on the order button. The business web site configures
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 7