Connection: High speed frame relay
In order for AssureBuy to set up the payment gateway to work with a VisaNet
merchant account, the merchant account provider will need to provide the
following information to AssureBuy. These details are necessary so
AssureBuy and the acquiring bank will be able to identify the merchant for
each transaction. Typically, the acquiring bank will fax a document
containing this information once the merchant account has been set up in
their system. Failure to provide any of the requirements in the table below
will prevent AssureBuy from properly configuring the payment gateway and
transactions will not be processed correctly.
Description Characters Field Type
Location/City Up to 13 Alpha
State 2 Alpha
Agent Bank Number 6 Numeric
Agent Chain Number 6 Numeric
Category Code 4 Numeric
Merchant Location Number 5(zero fill) Numeric
Merchant Number 11(zero fill) Numeric
Terminal ID 8(zero fill) Numeric
Store Number 4 Numeric
Store Name Up to 25 Numeric
Acquirer BIN 6 Numeric
Terminal Number 4 Numeric
Industry Code Direct Marketing or
Currency USA -----
Country Code USA -----
Zip Code Up to 9 Numeric
Language Indicator ---- -----
Time Zone ---- -----
Once the bank has provided the information to the seller, the seller then
needs to forward the information on to AssureBuy. AssureBuy staff will set
up and verify that the merchant account is working properly. Please be sure
to also provide a list of the credit card types your merchant account can
accept, such as American Express or Discover.
First Data (FDMS)
AssureBuy is a certified payment gateway for both the FDMS Nashville
platform and a certified multi-currency gateway for the FDMS South platform.
The setup process for each of these platforms will differ slightly because
each have unique settings.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise Introduction to AssureBuy • 15