Field Description
AVS Response The AVS response field displays the Address
Verification Service’s response. Only credit card
transactions will have an AVS response. For
more information, please see “
Verification Service
” on page 30.
CVV Response If the CVV2 number is sent with the credit card
information then the response from the bank will
be display in this field. The AssureBuy payment
gateway accepts the CVV2 information and
displays the response from the credit card bank
as to whether or not the CVV2 matched the one
of file for the credit card number. A credit card
will not be declined for not receiving a bad CVV2
response. For more information, please see
CVV2 Response Codes” on page 31.
Alt Response The Alt Response field is intended for any
additional information needed for the
Reference The reference field displays the AssureBuy
order reference number for the order in the
AssureBuy system. An order number in the
AssureBuy system is similar to the document
number in Great Plains. An order may have one
or more transactions.
Trans Number Each transaction is assigned a unique ten-digit
number by the AssureBuy payment gateway.
Orders can have multiple transactions applied to
them so the system uses a transaction number
to uniquely identify each individual transaction.
Bottom Navigation Bar
Record Selectors The record selectors are the set of arrow buttons
located in the bottom left of the window. Use the
inner two arrows button to move through the
transaction records one at a time. Use the outer
two arrows to move to the beginning or the end of
the transaction records.
Status The status field is a text display box that will
display a more detailed description of the
transaction’s status and it will also display the
results of the fraud system.
Process Mode The process mode is a text display box that will
show the user whether the system is in test or
production mode. If the user is processing a
customer’s order, the mode should always be
production or the credit card will not be charged.
AssureBuy Payment Processing Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise AssureBuy Functionality • 67