
Chapter 2: Using Basic Features
Handling Calls with Your Bluetooth Headset
If your Bluetooth headset is turned on, and paired and connected with your phone, you can:
Use the headset to handle calls, including muting and adjusting call volume.
Initiate and end calls on your headset by pressing , or using a control on the headset.
Switch to handset or speakerphone mode during a headset call by picking up the handset or
pressing .
If a Bluetooth headset is paired and connected, and then you turn the headset off, the message
Headset removed displays. The headset won’t be connected anymore, but it will still be paired. When
you turn the headset back on, the message Headset attached displays, and the headset will be
connected againindicating that you can use it to handle calls.
Disconnecting and Removing Your Bluetooth Headset
You can disconnect your headset from your phone, but still keep it paired. When you disconnect a
headset, it remains paired so you can easily connect it to your phone again.
You can also remove your headset, so it’s no longer paired or connected. When you remove your
headset, it won’t display in the Manage BT Headsets screen. To connect it back to your phone, you’ll
need to scan for the device, add it, and connect it again.
To disconnect your headset:
From Home view, tap Settings > Basic > Bluetooth Settings > Manage BT Headsets. From the
Manage BT Headsets screen, tap your headset, and tap Disconnect.
Your headset remains paired to your phone, but is no longer connected. To connect it to your phone
again, tap Connect.
Timesaver: How to Quickly Connect and Disconnect Your Headset
You can quickly disconnect your headset by turning your headset off. When you turn it off, the
message Headset removed displays. When you turn your headset back on, the headset will be
connected again.
To remove your headset:
1 From Home view, tap Settings > Basic > Bluetooth Settings > Manage BT Headsets.
2 From the Manage BT Headsets screen, tap your headset, and tap Remove.
Your headset is removed from the list and is no longer paired or connected with your phone.