Chapter 3: Using Advanced Features
Updating the Default Channel
If you press and hold Talk, your broadcast will automatically transmit on the default channel, Channel 1.
If you want, you can change the default channel.
To update the default channel:
1 Tap Settings from Home view, and tap Basic > Preferences > Paging/PTT Configuration >
PTT Push to Talk.
2 From the PTT Channel Configuration screen, tap Default Channel, and tap the number of the
channel you want to use.
Updating Channel Subscriptions
You can subscribe to any channel that has been enabled by your administrator and appears in your
channels list. When you subscribe to a channel, you can send and receive PTT broadcasts on that
To subscribe to additional PTT channels:
1 Tap Settings from Home view, and tap Basic > Preferences > Paging/PTT Configuration >
PTT Push to Talk.
2 From the PTT Channel Configuration screen, tap Channel Subscriptions.
From the Channel Subscriptions screen, tap the channel you want to subscribe to, and tap Yes. By
default, you’re subscribed to Channels 1, 24, and 25.
Allowing PTT Broadcasts to Play During Active Calls
The Accept While Busy option determines what happens when you’re in a call and receive a PTT
broadcast. If you enable the option, a PTT broadcast will interrupt telephone calls and you’ll hear the
audio of both the telephone call and the broadcast. If you disable the option, the incoming broadcast
will be held in a Pending state—it won’t disrupt the telephone call, and you won’t hear the broadcast.
To hear the PTT broadcast, tap the PTT broadcast and tap Accept (the telephone call will automatically
be held). Or, hold or end the telephone call.
To allow or disallow PTT broadcasts to play during an active call:
1 Tap Settings from Home view, and tap Basic > Preferences > Paging/PTT Configuration >
PTT Push to Talk.
2 From the PTT Channel Configuration screen, tap Accept While Busy, and enable or disable the
setting. The default setting is Disabled. When enabled, your phone will accept and play broadcasts
while you’re in an active call. When disabled, your phone won’t play broadcasts while you’re in a
call, but will hold them as Pending instead.