Revision History 31
8.0.0 New features:
■ Support for the FDDI Switching Module (FSM)
■ Support for the EFSM TP-DDI Module
■ Support for RMON
■ RMON MIB support added
■ State field added to interface display
■ System menu item upTime added
■ New FDDI MAC statistic rxErrors
■ New fields added to FDDI MAC summary and detail displays
■ Configurable Source Route hop count limit
■ LANplex® MIB support updates
■ Bridge MIB support added for the FSM
■ New If MIB added
7.0.0 New features:
■ Support for the Tri-Media Module (TMM)
■ Support for IP Multicast on the Ethernet/FDDI Switching
Module (EFSM)
■ Support for the IBM Spanning Tree Protocol on the Token
Ring Switching Module (TRSM)
■ Support for configuring the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
group address
■ Support for Token Ring and Source Routing MIBs
■ Menu change (ip forwarding to ip routing)
■ Configuration change to enable or disable routing
■ Support for telnet and rlogin session termination after a
user-specified time interval
■ Support for 64 IP static routes on each EFSM
Table 2 Revision History for CoreBuilder 6000 Software (continued)
Revision Number Description of Release