Pocket Projector MP220
© 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved.
Blank Image
You can blank the image while a video input is playing.
Blanking the Image: Press Menu and then select Blank. A blue screen will
Resume the Image: Press Menu and then select Resume.
Image Capture
The Video/VGA Pass Through application can capture paused video and computer
images. When an image is captured, the image is saved into the /DCIM/Camera
folder on the projector's onboard memory.
To capture an image: Press Menu and then select Capture. A message appears
when the image capture is complete.
Note: If you get a Save Failed message, the projector's memory is being
scanned or the microSD card is not mounted.
These settings let you change how you view the video image coming from a video
source. The projector displays a WSVGA image (or 1024x600 pixels) which is a
17:10 image.
Signal Aspect Ratio
Change the aspect ratio (width versus height) of the image. When you choose one
of the aspect ratios, the image is stretched or shrunk to that aspect ratio.
t Default – Aspect Ratio setting for the input resolution
t 4:3 – Scales the image to a 4:3 aspect ratio
t 16:9 – Scales the image to a 16:9 aspect ratio
t Native – Aspect Ratio scales the image to the projector native Aspect ratio,
Letterbox Cropping
Crops or cuts the image down to the specified aspect ratio.
Edge Cropping