76 Megabit Modem 500L Installation Manual
A text string required for an SNMP trap to be received by a trap receiver(s). Also, a
text string that identifies an SNMP community and is associated with specific access
rights (read-only or read/write).
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check is a method used to verify the accuracy of data
DMT Discrete Multi-Tone is a modulation coding for an ADSL line. DMT is the modulation
technology used for the Megabit Modem 500L ADSL.
Communications from a service provider to a user.
encapsulation The inclusion of data in a protocol header prior to transmission, which enables
successful data transmission between different protocol networks.
ES Errored Seconds is the seconds during which errors occur that prevent the payload
from being corrected.
Ethernet A protocol used for LAN traffic, which has a transfer rate of 10 or 100 Mbps.
flash memory Non-volatile memory that can be erased and reprogrammed.
gateway A device (generally a router) that provides translation services to allow
communication between two dissimilar networks.
IP Internet Protocol is a TCP/IP protocol that controls packet transmission.
IP address A 32-bit address used in IP routing. The address consists of four octets separated by
decimals. The octets comprise a network section, a subnet section (optional) and a
host section.
LAN Local Area Network is a physically connected group of devices between which data
transmission occurs at high speeds over relatively short distances.
LLC Logical Link Control is an encapsulation protocol for data that you transmit from the
modem over the WAN in 1483 Bridging/Routing mode.
LOF Loss Of Frame is an error indicating that the receiving equipment has lost a frame.
LOS Loss Of Signal is an error indicating that the receiving equipment has lost the signal.
MAC Media Access Control is a physical address associated with a device such as a NIC.
For modem configuration, the MAC is used to map inbound traffic (from a remote IP
address) to an internal (LAN) IP address. Used with 1483 Bridging/Routing Mode.