Chapter 3: Starting upChapter 3: Starting up
Chapter 3: Starting upChapter 3: Starting up
Chapter 3: Starting up
Utilities menuUtilities menu
Utilities menuUtilities menu
Utilities menu
The Utilities menu shows the applications and other software that the
motherboard supports.
ASUS InstAll Installation Wizard for UtilitiesASUS InstAll Installation Wizard for Utilities
ASUS InstAll Installation Wizard for UtilitiesASUS InstAll Installation Wizard for Utilities
ASUS InstAll Installation Wizard for Utilities
Launches the ASUS InstallAll utilities installation wizard.
Marvell Yukon VCT ApplicationMarvell Yukon VCT Application
Marvell Yukon VCT ApplicationMarvell Yukon VCT Application
Marvell Yukon VCT Application
Installs the Marvell Yukon Virtual Cable Tester (VCT) application. The VCT is
a cable diagnostic application that analyzes and reports LAN cable faults
and shorts.
ULi Chipset DriverULi Chipset Driver
ULi Chipset DriverULi Chipset Driver
ULi Chipset Driver
Installs the ULi Chipset driver.
Realtek Audio DriverRealtek Audio Driver
Realtek Audio DriverRealtek Audio Driver
Realtek Audio Driver
Installs the Realtek
AC `97 audio driver and application. See page for
Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet DriverMarvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver
Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet DriverMarvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver
Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver
Installs the Marvell
Gigabit Ethernet LAN Driver.
USB 2.0 DriverUSB 2.0 Driver
USB 2.0 DriverUSB 2.0 Driver
USB 2.0 Driver
Installs the USB 2.0 driver.