DNM-UNIX Release 4.0 Installation and Getting Started
3 Installing and Upgrading DNM
Upgrading from DNM 3.0 and Later
December 2001
Page 54
19 Modifications Prompt. The system displays a message that describes the
environment variables and the required modifications that the installation script needs
to make.Then the system displays the prompt:
Make the /etc/profile and CDE modifications? [yes]
To make the modifications, press
Adobe Acrobat Reader Prompt. The system displays a message that user
documentation can be viewed by installing the Adobe Acrobat Reader or entering the
directory if the reader is already installed. Then the system displays the prompt:
Enter Adobe Acrobat Reader directory (leave blank to
: [ ]?
Execute one of the options (a or b) below:
a To install the Acrobat Reader, go to step 21
b If the Acrobat Reader is already installed, go to step 22
21 To install the Acrobat Reader, execute steps (a through e) below:
a At the prompt, press ENTER
Result: The system displays the prompt:
Install default configuration,
Acrobat Reader 4.0 for [platform and release]? [y]
b To continue, press ENTER
Result: The system displays the Adobe Acrobat Reader script NOTICE TO USER. At
the end of the notice, the system displays the prompt:
Do you accept the terms and conditions of this
license agreement?