Creating Labels with Other Applications
IntroductionCreating Labels (For Windows)Creating Labels (For Macintosh)Appendix
Microsoft Excel
With the Add-In function, you can directly copy text selected in Microsoft
Excel to a label layout.
Creating labels using Microsoft Excel
1 Open a Microsoft
Excel worksheet and
select the cells that contain the text you
want to include on the label.
2 On the Microsoft
Excel standard toolbar, click .
The [Brother P-touch Import Setup] dialog box appears.
3 In [Label Layout], make adjustments to
the line feed in the cells and click .
The Add-In Preview window appears.
[Label Layout] enables you to change the
way a label will be done its layout. When
you select any listed item in the [Fields] box
and click , a new field is added to
the [Label Layout] box.
You can enter spaces, line feeds, commas,
and characters for each cell and print them
on a label.
You can also preview the layout in the
[Label Preview] box.