For Windows
98/98SE/Me/NT4.0 users
U Remove the CD-ROM from the computer.
In the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box select “Yes, I want to
restart my computer now.” and then click the Finish button to complete
the setup and to restart the computer.
After the computer is restarted and the Desktop screen appears, then
turn on the SC-2000.
This completes the installation of the Stampcreator P-touch Editor soft-
ware and the printer driver for a parallel connection.
*Whenever you turn on the SC-2000, turn on the computer first and
wait for the Desktop to appear.
When the New Hardware Wizard starts up, click the Cancel button.
For Windows
2000 users
U Turn on the SC-2000.
V Remove the CD-ROM from the computer.
In the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box select “Yes, I want to
restart my computer now.” and then click the Finish button to complete
the setup and to restart the computer.
W After the computer has restarted, when the Digital Signature Not Found
dialog box appears, click the Yes button.
This completes the installation of the Stampcreator P-touch Editor software
and the printer driver for a parallel connection.
For Windows
XP users
U Remove the CD-ROM from the computer.
In the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box select “Yes, I want to
restart my computer now.” and then click the Finish button to complete
the setup and to restart the computer.
V After the computer has restarted, turn on the SC-2000.
W The Found New Hardware Wizard starts up.
When asked if Windows can connect to Windows Update to search for
software, select “No, not this time”, and then click the Next button.
If the Wizard does not start up automatically, please restart the
computer with the SC-2000 turned on. This should start up the Wizard.