Chapter 7
ISIS/TWAIN Driver Settings
This chapter describes the dialog boxes of the ISIS and TWAIN drivers. Please read this chapter
and the ISIS/TWAIN driver’s Help before making driver settings.
7-1 Before Use
This scanner can scan documents ranging in size from business cards and checks to A4 size
documents. It can also scan business cards.
To use the DR-4010C with an ISIS/TWAIN-compliant application, the DR-4010C must first be
selected as the scanner to be used.
This section describes how to select the scanner using CapturePerfect 3.0 (an ISIS-compatible
application program.) As the scanner selection procedure depends on the application program being
used, refer to your application’s user’s manual as needed to select the scanner.
1 Click the Windows [Start] button, and then click [Programs] ([All Programs] for Windows XP)
Æ [CapturePerfect 3.0] Æ [CapturePerfect 3.0].
CapturePerfect 3.0 starts up.