Paper Requirements
Loading and Delivering Paper
Storing Printed Paper
When handling or storing documents printed using this printer, be careful of the
following points:
Do not store in clear folders or with other PVC materials. This can dissolve the toner,
causing the paper to stick to the PVC material.
When gluing paper, be sure to use insoluble adhesive. The use of soluble adhesives can
cause the toner to dissolve. When you first use an adhesive, test it on an unneeded
printout before use.
Whenever you stack printouts, check that the documents are completely dry. If the
printouts are stacked when they are not completely dry, the toner may dissolve.
Store paper on a flat surface. If the paper becomes folded or wrinkled, the toner may
Do not store in a high temperature place. This can cause the toner to melt, making the
colors bleed.
If you are storing printouts for a long period of time (2 years or more), store them in a
binder, etc. (Long-term storage can make printouts appear discolored due to
discolorations in the paper.)