Chapter 5
Scanning Techniques
Using this color wheel model, you can use the Tone tab adjustments to modify
specific colors and correct the preview image before scanning. You can select
the Red, Green, or Blue channels and adjust the Gamma, Custom Curve, and
Histogram settings for the image, to provide the results you want.
For example, if your original picture has too much yellow, you can adjust the
color by increasing its complement (more blue). If the image has too much
green, you can increase the combination of colors to decrease the magenta.
Note: If you are working with images that are meant for
professional color printing, all your equipment should be
calibrated so the color values on your scanner, monitor, and
output devices are using the same frame of reference. This
means you should make sure you have a video monitor that
can display Full Color (24 bit), up to 16.7 million colors.