Chapter 6
Using ScanGear Toolbox CS-S
Using ScanGear Toolbox CS Shortcut Menus
ScanGear Toolbox CS lets you use shortcut menus to acquire images and
select different settings. When you right-click any button on the ScanGear
Toolbox CS bar, the shortcut menu displays the currently-selected settings
from that button, and lets you make Image Setting changes.
You can also right-click the minimized ScanGear Toolbox CS icon in the status
indicator to start the image acquire without opening the ScanGear CS-S
preview window.
To use a shortcut menu on the minimized icon:
1. In the Task Bar status indicator, right-click the minimized ScanGear Toolbox
CS icon.
2. On the shortcut menu, click the item you want to use. The menu lists all
buttons currently activated in ScanGear Toolbox CS.
Clicking the shortcut command is the same as clicking the button on the
ScanGear Toolbox CS bar.