Chapter 8 Pocket Sheet
• Tap this button to display the euro currency symbol editing screen shown
• Note that you can edit the euro currency symbol only. The symbols for
the other currencies are fixed.
• Use the on-screen keyboard to type up to three letters for the currency to
which you want to change. You could input DEM for German marks,
FRF for French francs, etc. After inputting the letters you want, tap Set
to save them.
• The letters you input above replace the euro symbol in the Category
Decimal Places
• Tap the L arrow next to the Decimal Places box to display a list of
decimal place settings. You can specify anywhere from 0 to four decimal
places. Selecting Free specifies a free-floating decimal place, which
means the decimal point is located wherever you input it.
• Tap the L arrow next to the Alignment box to display a list of alignment
settings. You can select from among General, Left, Center, and Right.
Selecting General causes text to be aligned left, and numbers aligned
• Tap the check box to toggle bold text on (checked) and off (unchecked).