Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Guide
Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfaces and Perform Initial System Configuration
Perform the Initial System Configuration
b. Assign an access list to restrict the SNMP management stations that may use this GET community.
Type a number (1 through 99) or type “0” to permit access to all IP addresses, and press press Enter.
Enter Access list number allowing access with this community string, use ‘0’ to allow
Step 4 Configure additional GET communities.
The maximum number of GET communities is 20.
a. To add more entries, do not accept the default::
Would you like to add another SNMP GET community? [no]:
Type y and press press Enter.
b. Enter up to 20 SNMP GET communities as described in step 3.
c. When all entries have been added, accept the default:
Would you like to add another SNMP GET community? [no]:
Press Enter to accept.
Step 5 Configure the SNMP SET community.
a. Type the SNMP SET community name and press press Enter.
The SNMP agent that resides inside the SCE 1000 will respond only to SET requests that use this
community string.
Enter SNMP SET community name:
Note that there is no default for this parameter.
b. Assign an access list to restrict the SNMP management stations that may use this SET community.
Type a number (1 through 99) or type “0” to permit access to all IP addresses, and press press Enter.
Enter Access list number allowing access with this community string, use ‘0’ to allow
Step 6 Configure additional SET communities.
a. To add more entries, do not accept the default::
Would you like to add another SNMP SET community? [no]:
Type y and press press Enter.
b. Enter up to 20 SNMP SET communities as described in step 5.
c. When all entries have been added, accept the default:
Would you like to add another SNMP SET community? [no]:
Press Enter to accept.
Step 7 Configure the SNMP trap managers.
a. Enter the SNMP trap managers menu.
Would you like to configure SNMP trap managers? [no]: y
Type y and press press Enter.
The SNMP trap managers dialog begins.
If you choose not to configure SNMP trap managers, the dialog skips to the authentication failure
trap status. (See step 9.)
b. Configure the trap manager IP address
Enter SNMP trap manager IP address:
Type the trap manager community string and press press Enter.