User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Discovering Your Network
Discovery Settings
The Discovery Settings pane of the Discovery tab contains:
Field or Button Description
Entire Network Check box used to specify the extent of the network discovery:
• To discover the entire network, check this check box. This is called recursive
discovery, and it is the default setting.
With this check box checked, the MWTM discovers all seed nodes and
attempts to manage them; then attempts to discover and manage all nodes that
are adjacent to those seed nodes (unless the nodes are connected by serial links
only); then attempts to discover and manage all nodes that are adjacent to those
nodes; and so on, until the Max Hops limit is reached.
• To rediscover only seed nodes, uncheck this check box. This is called
nonrecursive discovery.
With this check box unchecked, the MWTM discovers all seed nodes and
attempts to manage them, then labels all nodes that are adjacent to those seed
nodes as Unmanaged.
Delete Existing
Check box used to keep or delete the existing MWTM database when discovering
the network:
• To keep all existing network data in the MWTM database before rediscovering
the network, uncheck this check box. This is the default setting.
• To delete all existing network data from the MWTM database before
rediscovering the network, check this check box. Choose this option if you
know that network elements have been deleted from your network since the last
If you discover the network with Delete Existing Data selected, the MWTM stops
any real-time polls that are running and issues appropriate messages.
Max Hops The maximum number of hops from the seed node to search for other nodes to
discover. Default is 3.