Chapter 3 Using MetaFrame Presentation Server for Windows 63
All client printers. Select this option to auto create all of the client printers on a
user’s client device.
Use connection settings for each server. Select this option to accept the settings
specified for the ICA connection in the Citrix Connection Configuration utility.
This option is selected by default.
The term connection refers to the virtual ports that are associated with network
protocols on servers running MetaFrame Presentation Server.
Network printers assigned to users can be updated when users log on.
Auto Creation and Citrix Connection Configuration
Settings that affect auto creation of client printers appear in Citrix Connection
Configuration. An overview of these settings is included here. For more
information about these settings, see the online help for Citrix Connection
Configuration. For specific information about client capabilities and settings, see
the client administrator’s guide for each client platform. Client administrator’s
guides are available from the Document Center.
To change the connection configuration
1. Launch Citrix Connection Configuration by opening Start > Programs >
Citrix > MetaFrame Presentation Server > Citrix Connection
2. Double-click the connection in the Citrix Connection Configuration window,
and click Client Settings.
If the Connect Client Printers at Logon option is selected in the connection
properties or user profile, client printers are automatically created when users log
on to ICA sessions. MetaFrame Presentation Server deletes the printers when users
log off if the printers do not contain unfinished print jobs. Changes made by users to
their Windows printer settings are not maintained. If print jobs are present,
MetaFrame Presentation Server retains the printer and its associated jobs.
If a user’s connection profiles do not specify Connect Client Printers at Logon, the
user can connect to a client printer through Windows printer setup. MetaFrame
Presentation Server does not automatically delete printers that are set up this way
when users log off.