Chapter 1 Introduction 9
Introducing Citrix MetaFrame Access Suite
MetaFrame Access Suite powers the on-demand enterprise by giving workers,
anywhere, at any time, using any device, over any connection, the ability to easily
and securely access whatever resources they need without regard to the underlying
computing complexity. The MetaFrame Access Suite offers integrated products that
• Device and network services
• Security and identity management services
• Aggregation and personalization services
• Presentation and conferencing services
• User provisioning/measurement and system management services
Previously, customers had to purchase these technologies separately and piece them
together to build an architecture for enterprise access. In contrast, the MetaFrame
Access Suite is a single, unified solution that provides secure, easy, instant access to
managed enterprise resources, and simplifies the deployment and management of
new applications in heterogeneous computing environments.
The following diagram illustrates the suite’s capabilities:
This diagram shows the products comprising MetaFrame Access Suite and how it
provides an enterprise-wide secure access solution.