Cognitive Solutions A776 All in One Printer User Manual

Chapter 2: Printer Status, Ethernet and Indicators 5
A776-PG00001 C 12/09 A776 (B780) Programming Guide
Ethernet Default Setup
To return the printer to the default settings, put the printer in the boot mode and hold down the feed switch until you
hear the high-low-high tones (about 10 seconds). The default settings are:
Bootp Disabled•
DHCP Enabled•
Default IP (in use after 2 minute Bootp timeout)•
Net mask of (causes default mask of selected IP to be used)•
LP Daemon disabled•
Telnet Daemon enabled•
Raw TCPIP Port 9001 active•
Whenever the printer is attempting to locate its IP address via Bootp or DHCP, or has the default IP address in use, the
IP address can be set by pinging the printer. Do this by using the arp command to set a static MAC to IP mapping on
your host. Then ping the printer by using the ping command. This will set the IP address to the address used in the
ping command and stored for future use. The printer can also be congured by letting the Bootp timeout using the
default IP address (using the default IP address) when the printer is connected to a host on an isolated network. Setup
commands can then be sent to the printer via TCPIP port 9001. Refer to the “Ethernet setup commands.”
The diagram below is a diagnostic printout of an Ethernet printer, with Ethernet settings highlighted. These settings
can not be changed through the conguration menu and must be set by sending commands from the host.
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