Writer: Beth Snowberger - Saved by: Fleur - Saved date: 08/17/99 1:44 AM
File name: Parrot15_RefGuide_final_0810
If you have access to a network, you can connect to your network by
creating a dial-up connection using a RAS account. Before you can create
this dial-up connection, your network administrator needs to set up a RAS
account for you.
To create a dial-up connection to a network:
If your device does not have a built-in modem, install a modem card.
Get the following information from your network administrator:
corporate dial-up access telephone number, user name, password,
domain name, and TCP/IP settings.
Select StartààProgramsààCommunicationààConnections.
Double-tap the Make New Connection icon.
Enter a name for the connection, such as "Corporate Dial-Up."
Select Dial-Up Connection, then select Next.
Select your modem type. You should not need to change settings in
the Configure or TCP/IP Settings dialog boxes. When finished,
select Next.
Enter the access phone number and select Finish.
Once you have created the dial-up connection, double-tap the connection,
enter your user name, password, and domain, and select Connect any time
you want to connect. Once connected, you can use Inbox to send and
receive e-mail. Before you can use Inbox, you need to provide the
information it needs to communicate with the mail server. For specific
instructions, see Inbox.