Configuring the COM Port Connection and Logging In
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 2-29
Note: For a list of internet browsers and Cyclades device firmware versions
supported by the BladeManager, refer to Appendix A: Hardware
Configuring the COM Port Connection and
Logging In
The console port is used for the initial configuration (also known as First
Time Configuration in this document) which is performed using the
Command Line Interface (CLI) via serial console connection.
First Time Configuration is responsible for establishing the superusers for the
CLI (hardware configuration) and the BladeManager web interface and
configuring the BladeManager connectivity and system settings. The process
is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4: Configuring the BladeManager.
Before using the terminal, make sure it is configured as follows:
1. Select available COM port.
In Hyper Terminal (Start > Program > Accessories), select File >
Properties, and click the Connect To tab. Select the available COM port
number from the Connection dropdown.
2. Configure COM port.
Click the Configure button.
Your PC, considered here to be a “dumb terminal,” should be configured
as follows:
• Serial Speed: 9600 bps
• Data Length: 8 bits
• Parity: None
• Stop Bits: 1 stop bit
• Flow Control: none
• ANSI emulation
3. Power on the BladeManager
4. Click OK on the Properties window.
You will see the BladeManager booting on your screen. After it finishes
booting, you should see the configuration screen.