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Defining Device IP Addresses
The IP Addressing page contains links for assigning interface and default gateway IP addresses, and
enabling or disabling DHCP.
To open the IP Addressing page, click System
→ IP Addressing in the tree view.
Defining IP Interface Parameters
The IP Interface Parameters page is used to select whether the device IP address, mask and/or gateway is
assigned statically, or dynamically using DHCP. The page is also used to make static assignments, and to
approve dynamic assignments received from the DHCP server before they go into affect (until approval,
the old address is used).
To open the
IP Interface Parameters page, click System→ IP Addressing → IP Interface Parameters in
the tree view.
Figure 6-6. IP Interface Parameters
— The DHCP client can be enabled to acquire the network configuration dynamically. The
DHCP default value is Disable. This field enables the DHCP client.
IP Address
— Specifies the static IP Address currently assigned to the device.
Subnet Mask
— Specifies the subnet mask of the static IP Address, currently assigned to the device.
Default Gateway
— Specifies the static Default Gateway Address, currently assigned to the device.
DHCP IP Address
— Specifies the IP Address received from the DHCP server.
DHCP Subnet Mask
— Specifies the Subnet Mask received from the DHCP server.