84 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide
LLDP configuration and management
To configure LLDP profiles, perform the following steps from Privileged EXEC mode.
1. Enter the configure terminal command to access global configuration mode.
2. Enter LLDP configuration mode.
switch(config)#protocol lldp
3. Configure the profile name.
The following example creates the unique profile name of “UK_LDP_IT”.
switch(conf-lldp)#profile UK_LLDP_IT
4. Specify a description for the profile.
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#description standard_profile_by_Jane
5. Enable the transmitting and receiving of LLDP frames.
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#mode tx rx
6. Configure the transmission frequency of LLDP updates.
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#hello 10
7. Configure the hold time for receiving devices.
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#multiplier 2
8. Advertise the optional LLDP TLVs.
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#advertise optional-tlv
9. Advertise the LLDP DCBX-related TLVs.
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#advertise dot1-tlv
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#advertise dot3-tlv
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#advertise advertise dcbx-tlv
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#advertise dcbx-fcoe-logical-link-tlv
switch(conf-lldp-profile-UK_LLDP_IT)#advertise dcbx-fcoe-app-tlv
Dell recommends against advertising dot1.tlv and dot3.tlv LLDPs if your network contains
CNAs from non-Dell vendors,. This configuration may cause functionality problems.
10. Enter the copy command to save the running-config file to the startup-config file.
switch#copy running-config startup-config
Configuring LLDP interface-level command options
Only one LLDP profile can be assigned to an interface. If you do not use the lldp profile option at the
interface level, the global configuration is used on the interface. If there are no global configuration
values defined, the global default values are used.
To configure LLDP interface-level command options, perform the following steps from Privileged
EXEC mode.
1. Enter the interface command to specify the CEE interface type and slot/port number.
switch(config)#interface intengigabitethernet 0/10