support.dell.com Installing Cluster Management and Systems Management Software 7-1
Installing Cluster Management
and Systems Management
This chapter provides information on configuring and administering your cluster using
the following cluster management software:
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Cluster Administrator
• Dell OpenManage Cluster Assistant With ClusterX
Microsoft Cluster Administrator
Cluster Administrator is a built-in tool in Windows 2000 Datacenter Server for config-
uring and administering a cluster. The following procedures describe how to run
Cluster Administrator locally on a cluster node and how to install Cluster Administra-
tor on a remote console.
Running Cluster Administrator on a Cluster Node
To launch the Cluster Administrator from the Start menu, click the Start button and
select Programs—> Administrative Tools—> Cluster Administrator. The Cluster
Administrator window appears.
Installing Cluster Administrator on a Remote Console
Running Windows 2000 Professional
You can administer and monitor the Cluster Service remotely by installing the
Windows 2000 Administrative Tools on a Windows 2000 client. Cluster Administrator
is part of the Administrator Pack, included with Windows 2000 Server editions.
To install the cluster administrator on a remote console running Windows 2000 Pro-
fessional, perform the following steps:
1. Insert the Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server CD into the CD-ROM