support.dell.com Maintaining the Cluster 9-3
Connecting to Data Agent Using Data Supervisor
To ensure that the Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor can connect to the Data Agent
regardless of which node is running Data Agent, perform the following steps:
1. Start Data Supervisor.
2. In the Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor Query dialog box, enter the name of
the cluster running Data Agent.
NOTE: Do not enter the cluster node (server) name.
Identifying the Device Name of the Storage Processor
Before you run Data Supervisor, you must identify the storage processor’s device
name that Data Supervisor will manage. To locate the storage processor’s device
name and run Data Supervisor, perform the following steps:
1. Verify that the Dell OpenManage Data Agent service is running.
2. Go to the Dell OpenManage command line interface (CLI) program directory and
type the following
omcli -h hostname getagent
For hostname, type the name of the cluster.
The storage processor devices and their node names appear on the screen. The
device name is labeled Node for each storage processor device.
3. Start Data Supervisor.
The Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor Query dialog box appears.
4. In the Enter the “hostname devicename” field, type the host name and device
For hostname, type the name of the cluster. For devicename, type the device
name reported by the omcli command.
The Components for Array dialog box appears, displaying the attached
PowerVault 65xF storage systems.
For more information on Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor, see the Dell
OpenManage Data Supervisor Installation and Operation Guide.
Restoring Communications to a Failed Storage Device
Using Dell OpenManage ATF
When a communication failure—such as a failed host bus adapter (HBA) or a faulty
cable—occurs between a cluster node and a storage device, repair or replace the
failed components by running Dell OpenManage Application Transparent Failover