54 RACADM Subcommand Details
NOTE: To use this subcommand for CMC you must have Chassis Configuration
Administrator privilege and for iDRAC you must have Configure iDRAC6 permission.
Table 2-9 describes the fwupdate subcommand options.
NOTE: This subcommand performs updates to the iDRAC firmware (if CMC
firmware version is 2.0 or later and iDRAC firmware version is 1.4) when the existing
firmware is corrupted. There can only be a single update operation in progress at
any time. In addition, the fwupdate subcommand may only update one or more
devices of a single kind at a time.
Before you begin your firmware update, see the Advanced iDRAC6
Configuration section in the iDRAC6 User’s Guide available on the Dell
Support website at dell.com/support/manuals.
NOTE: Running the fwupdate subcommand to update the firmware on the active
CMC resets itself causing all network connections to be dropped. During update of
all other modules, including the standby CMC, the active CMC continues to run
normally without resetting.
Subcommand Description
fwupdate Allows you to update the firmware on the iKVM, active CMC,
standby CMC, server iDRACs, or an IOM infrastructure device.
You can:
• Check the firmware update process status.
• Update iDRAC6 or CMC firmware from a TFTP server by
providing an IP address and optional path.
• Update iDRAC6 or CMC firmware from the local file system
using local RACADM.
• Rollback to the standby firmware.
Table 2-9. fwupdate Subcommand Options
Option Description
-s Lists active SD card features and SD card status.