November 2009 143
Command Syntax
faxll [-u <unitno>] [-v] [-h] [-H] -s <phoneno>
[-F] [-E #] [-g] [-a] [-p] <file> [-b] ...
faxll [-u <unitno>] [-v] [-p] -r <g3file> ...
-a <files> The following files are raw ASCII text.
-b Beginning of page.
-E # The next page is an enhanced fax format page.
specifies the format, which is created by ORing the
following hex values:
1 = JPEG Enable
2 = Full Color
4 = Default tables
8 = 12bit (vs. 8bit)
10 = No Subsampling
20 = Custom Illuminant
40 = Custom Gamut
100 = JBIG
200 = JBIG L0
400 = Lossless Color
800,1000,2000 = MRC
4000 = Plane Interleave
8000 = Page Length Strip
-F The next page is fine resolution, otherwise normal.
-g The following files are raw G3 data (default).
<g3file> Name of the file to receive.
-h/-H Insert a page header.
-p The following files are raw PCX data or receive PCX
-r Receive mode.
-s <phoneno> Send to the specified phone number.
-u <unitno> Unit number.
-v Turn on Bfv API debug mode.