November 2009 152
The ivr program is a small, interactive, voice-response system that
permits users to receive a fax, send a fax, record a message and play
a message. It uses the speech infopkt-file recording and playing
routines and the highest level infopkt-file fax receiving and sending
The ivr_msg subdirectory contains all prerecorded files, and all new
files are created in that subdirectory.
Bfv API debug mode is turned on. The btcall.cfg file is the user
configuration file. The ivr program is found in the app.src directory.
Command Syntax
ivr [options]
The mkdcx program creates a DCX file from a collection of raw PCX
The mkdcx program is found in the app.src directory.
Command Syntax
mkdcx -o <dcx_file> <pcxfilename>...
-L Loop for testing.
-u <unitnum> Channel number.
-o <dcx_file> The name of the output DCX file.
<pcxfilename> The name of one of the input raw PCX files that
is one of the pages of the DCX file. Any number
of pcxfilename arguments are permitted.