D-Link DSL-504 Network Router User Manual

DSL-504 ADSL Router User’s Guide
For Bridged Ethernet connections it will be necessary to give the Router a global
IP address and default gateway.
Global IP Address
If the connection method used is Ethernet over ATM (RFC 1483), a unique global
IP address will be needed for the Router. The assigned global IP address must be
entered only if the connection method used is Ethernet over ATM (RFC 1483).
When using the default connection method, PPP over Ethernet (RFC 2516), a
global IP address will be assigned automatically during the connection process.
Default Gateway IP Address
Some ISPs require that a default gateway router be used by the Router to
connect to their network backbone. If this is the case, the IP address of the
default gateway (router) must be entered during the configuration of the device.
Global IP Address: ______ - ______ - ______ - ______
Default Gateway IP Address: ______ - ______ - ______ - ______
DNS Settings
Your DSL service provider should give you DNS settings. These settings should
include the IP address of the DNS server as well as its domain name. You must
enter these in the DHCP Configuration menu.
DNS Domain Name:
DNS Server IP Address: