D-Link DSL-504 Network Router User Manual

DSL-504 ADSL Router User’s Guide
connection to the WAN or the Internet. Most users will probably want to enable
this feature.
If your network account is not billed according to the amount of time connected,
the Idle Time field should be left at the default value 0. This means that the
Router is always connected and able to connect on demand.
If your network account is billed according to the amount of time the Router is
actually connected to the Internet, enter an appropriate Idle Time value (in
seconds). This will disconnect the Router after the WAN connection has been idle
for the amount of time specified.
PPP Information
This field provides information regarding the status of the Router’s connection to
the WAN. The global IP Address for the Router should be assigned
automatically by the network service provider’s PPP server. The Connection
Status will read Disconnect until the Router has established the WAN
Connect to WAN
If you have enabled the Connect on Demand feature, the Router will have
established the WAN connection upon restarting.
If the Connect on Demand feature has been disabled, click the Connect button to
initiate the PPP connection via the ADSL WAN interface. The “handshake”
process will take a few seconds.
In the PPPoE or PPPoA Configuration widow, viewing the Connection Status
Connected, under PPPoA Information will indicate a valid connection. A valid
ADSL connection can also be confirmed by observing the LED indicators on the
front panel of the device.