Elmo HARSFEN0602 Network Hardware User Manual

16.2.5 Contents of Text4-Text7
This text specifies which op-codes a specific the Harmonica supports, and also the limitations: Size of
available flash space (may vary with Harmonica grades), size of data segment in RAM, maximal number of
variables, maximum number of functions, and Maximum stack depth.
The text4 file specifies the supported mnemonics. By “mnemonic” we mean a case insensitive combination
of two letters, which refer to a system service. It contains comma-delimited list of 676
numbers. Each
number corresponds to a combination of two English letters. Each letter is given a value – A is 0, B is 1, C is
2, and so on until Z=25.
The first of the 676 numbers corresponds to the two letters combination with the value of 0 – that is AA =
0*26 + 0. The second number corresponds to value of 1 which matches the combination AB = 0*26+1 until
the last number 675 which matches the combination ZZ=26*25+25.
Each number of the list specifies the index of the service function for a specific mnemonic. The number –1
specifies that the mnemonic is not connected to any service function.
The list –1,34,67,-1,-1,... specifies that from the mnemonics AA,AB,AC,AD, and AE, only AB and AC are
meaningful – AB is connected to the service function of index 34 and AC is connected to the service
function of index 67.
The text5 file describes the virtual assembly commands that the Harmonica can service, and specify the
index of their service functions. Text5 contains a list with the following format:
MLT , 0
SUB , 1
ADD , 2
DIV , 3
REM , 4
From the first line of the list we understand that there is a virtual assembly command named MLT. MLT is
implemented by the service function of index 0. The next lines are interpreted similarly.
The list of HARMONICA op codes is given in Section Error! Reference source not found.:
The text6 file lists all the system functions. It has the format
rnd , 34 , 1 , 1
sqrt , 35 , 1 , 1
The first line specifies that the rnd (round to nearest integer) function is serviced by the service function of
index 34, and that it has 1 input argument and 1 output argument.
Next lines are interpreted similarly.
The text7 file specifies the type of service given by each of the service functions. It has the format
Each number is a bit field which its composed according to the table below.
Each number describes the nature of a specific command, system function or virtual assembly code.
Bit Description Meaning
0x1 FLAG_Float System parameter type is float
0x2 FLAG_Long System parameter type is long
0x4 FLAG_PreProcess Return an answer based on internal data processing
0x8 FLAG_PostProcess Process the data for internal use
0x10 FLAG_BitField System parameter is a bit field
There are 676 possible combinations of two English letters. There are 26 letters and 676 = 26 * 26.