Installing and Using the Admhost and Admsnap Utility
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This chapter describes how to install the Admhost Utility, Admsnap
Utility, and the CLARiiON VSS Provider. This chapter also describes
how to use admhost and refers you to the documentation that
describes how to use admsnap.
The Admhost and Admsnap Utilities are supported only on CX-Series and
AX-Series storage systems running Navisphere Manager.
Major topics are
Admhost Utility
◆ Installing the Admhost Utility .........................................................4-2
◆ Using the Admhost Utility ...............................................................4-4
Admsnap Utility
◆ Installing the Admsnap Utility ........................................................4-6
◆ Using the Admsnap Utility ..............................................................4-8
CLARiiON VSS Provider
◆ Installing the CLARiiON VSS Provider..........................................4-9
◆ Using the CLARiiON VSS Provider.............................................. 4-11
Installing and Using the
Admhost and
Admsnap Utility