EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Windows Installation Guide
silent installation A command line interface to install the Host Agent, Navisphere
Server Utility, Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility, or
Navisphere CLI on all attached Windows servers. You create a
response file on one of the attached servers, which stores the setup
configuration that allows you to install these applications on all
remaining attached servers by using one command. This command
requires no user input.
silent removal A command line interface to remove the Host Agent, Navisphere
Server Utility, Navisphere Storage System Initialization Utility, or
Navisphere CLI on all attached Windows servers. You create a
response file on one of the attached servers, which stores the setup
configuration that allows you to remove these applications on all
remaining attached servers by using one command. This command
requires no user input.
SP See storage processor (SP).
SP log (of
A time-ordered list of messages about storage-system events (such as
errors) maintained by the SP. You can view this log using Navisphere
SP memory modules Memory modules (SIMMs or DIMMs) that provide the local storage
for an SP. An SP must have at least two 4-Mbyte memory modules to
support the storage-system cache.
SPS See standby power supply (SPS).
standby power supply
A unit that provides backup power for a Fibre Channel storage
system with SPs in case of a power outage. An SPS is required for the
storage-system write caching. If power fails, the SPS allows the SP to
write the cache image to the cache vault area on disk. You can replace
an SPS under power, without interrupting applications.
Storage group A group of LUNs on a storage system with the Access Logix option.
A storage system can have multiple storage groups. A storage group
can be connected to multiple servers, but a server can be connected to
only one storage group in each storage system.
storage processor (SP) A printed-circuit board with memory modules that control the disks
in the storage-system chassis. The SP runs FLARE software that
controls the operation of the storage system. For higher availability, a
site can use a second SP in a storage-system chassis.