PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
MIB Description cgmControl
.1.1.19 cgmProtectionState Indicates whether this module is the master or
slave of a protection pair:
0 - standaloneMaster: Communication with the
partner is not possible and the module is running
in master mode.
1 - slave
2 - master
.1.1.20 cgmProtectionCmd Can be used to manually change the state of the
0 - Attempt to become master. This is only
possible if a valid clock input is present.
1 - Give up mastership to the protection partner.
This is only possible if the partner (slave) has a
valid input other than MS_SYNC.
Whether the operation failed or succeeded can
be seen in the cgmProtectionState element.
.1.1.21 cgmProtectionMasterToSlave
The tracking delay for the master/slave
synchronization signal in ns units.
Default value is automatically configured.
.1.1.22 cgmProtectionPartnerAddress The IP address of the protection partner.
Default value depends on your configuration.
.1.1.30 cgmPathStateT0 The current state of the T0 PLL:
0 - freerun
1 - locked
2 - holdover
3 - preLocked
4 - preLocked2
5 - phaseLost
6 - forcedFreerun
7 - forcedHoldover
.1.1.32 cgmPathInputT0 The input currently selected for the T0 PLL. The
value 255 indicates that no input is selected.
.1.1.34 cgmPathInputT4 The input currently selected for the T4 PLL. The
value 255 indicates that no input is selected.
Other values reflect the cgmInputNumber
element in the cgmInputTable table, for details
refer to Table "Input Assignments" on page 48.
.1.1.40 cgmCLK1OutputFrequency The output frequency of CLK1:
0 - CLK1 output disabled
1 - 8 KHz
Default value is (1).
Table 5-5 cgmControl Elements (continued)
OID MIB Object Description Access