PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
MIB Description cgmSys
The following table describes the elements of the cgmSys MIB branch
.3656.8152.1.3). They provide general control and status operations for the
event log.
genSysError (1000) Warning A general system error.
For debugging only.
genSysErrorC (1001) *Critical A general critical system error.
For debugging only.
startupComplete (130) Event Indicates that the clock module has started and is
ready for operation.
resetRequest (131) Event Indication that the module is being resetted.
invalidBootOptions (140) Warning Invalid parameters were given for the cgmBootString.
Table 5-8 cgmSys Objects
OID MIB Object Description Access
.1.3.10 cgmSysEventLogSize The maximum number of events the event log can hold
(about 80000).
.1.3.11 cgmSysEventLogCount The current number of events present in the event log. r
.1.3.12 cgmSysEventLogClear Clears the event log.
When set to 0, events which have not been accessed
will be cleared (an event is marked as "accessed" if its
timestamp cgmEventTime is read).
If set to 1, all events are cleared regardless whether
they have been accessed or not. This is not
recommended since it may cause events to get lost
while the log is about to be cleared.
.1.3.13 cgmSysEventLogLevel Specifies up to which severity events shall be placed
into the event log:
0 - No events are logged
1 - Only critical events are logged
2 - Critical events and warnings are logged
3 - Critical events, warning and events are logged
4 - Everything is logged
Default value is (3).
.1.3.14 cgmSysEventTrapLevel Specifies up to which severity new event log entries
are posted as a trap (using the cgmLogEvent object).
0 - No events are posted
1 - Only critical events are posted
2 - Critical events and warnings are posted
3 - Critical events, warning and events are posted
4 - Everything is posted
Default value is (3).
Table 5-7 Event Codes and Severity (continued)
Code Severity Description