20 Micro Motion EtherNet/IP Module
Micro Motion Web Server
On this page, panels are used to provide access to the most commonly used standard process
variables and to concentration measurement process variables. Tabs provide access to other
web pages:
• Administration page: allows the admin user to change passwords and perform
downloads from the EtherNet/IP Module (the EDS file).
• Network Configuration page: allows the user to view or configure EtherNet/IP Module
network settings
• All other pages: various transmitter tasks, including viewing process data,
configuration, calibration, stopping and starting totalizers, and Smart Meter
Verification. For more information about any of these tasks, see your transmitter’s
configuration manual.
If the EtherNet/IP Module loses communication with the Micro Motion device, all process
variables are shown as 0.0f. Also, an explicit read to 0xB0-0x01-0x1D returns a value of 0.