Device Profile
User Manual 29
Appendix B: Device Profile
B.1 Object classes
Table B-1 lists and describes all object classes supported by the EtherNet/IP Module.
B.2 Object details
B.2.1 Identity Object, Class 01h
This object provides identification of and general information about the device. It contains
informational attributes that uniquely describe the device.
Example: The use of attributes Vendor ID, Device Type, Product Code, and Serial Number
together uniquely identify this device.
Table B-1 Object classes and descriptions
Object Class ID
Identity 0x01 Required Contains information that uniquely describes the device
Message Router 0x02 Required Tracks the accessibility of the object classes and instances
Assembly 0x04 Required Contains a list of attributes that data can be written to (sink) or read from
Port 0xF4 Required
TCP/IP Interface 0xF5 Required Groups settings related to TCP/IP.
Ethernet Link 0xF6 Required Groups diagnostic information for the Ethernet interface
Diagnostic 0xAA Optional Groups diagnostic information for the fieldbus interface
Parameter Data Input
0xBO Optional Used for acyclic access to input data
Parameter Data
Output Mapping
0xB1 Optional Used for acyclic acces to output data