Ericsson 4900 Printer User Manual

170 | Index
Deleting print jobs
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 105
Windows, 85
Depth of printer, 166
Diagnosing problems, 143
Dimensions of printer, 166
Documentation, how to use, 9
Electrical specifications, 165
Energy consumption, 165
Environmental specifications, 165
ePlaten, 17
accessories, 10
help, 11
media, 49
Preferred Limited Warranty Plan,
Error messages, 145
Error notification, Windows, 88
Ethernet interface
configuring, 26 to 28
connecting, 26
Ethernet port, 16, 166
Faint prints, 155
Firmware, updating, 33 to 34
Flip Horizontal setting
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 96
problems, 157
Gaps in prints, 155
Garbled characters, 157
Ghosting, 154
Grainy prints, 154
Head Alignment menu, 125, 126
Head unit (print head), checking
status, 117
Heavy media, cutting, 55 to 56
Height of printer, 166
Help, Epson, 11
High Speed Copies setting, 86
High Speed setting
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 96
Windows, 65
Humidity requirements, 165
ICM setting, 69
light, 17, 144
lightfastness, 168
maintenance tank, 117
Ink cartridges
checking status, 120, 126 to 127
installing, 21 to 23
ordering, 22, 127
replacing, 126 to 129
safety instructions, 15
specifications, 168
Installing printer driver
Macintosh, 30
Windows, 28 to 30
Inverted images, 157
Jams, paper, 160 to 162
Job history, 118
Language, control panel, 131 to 132
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5 options,
91 to 94
Windows options, 75
LCD display icons, 17
LFP Remote Panel, 33 to 34
Lightfastness, 168