Matrix 12800 Switchers • Virtualization/Control Software
Ties appear as solid lines in various colors on main screen of the
Virtualization/Control program. The different colors indicate different follow and
breakaway configurations. If both video and audio are tied, the tie is indicated
in blue. If video only is tied, the tie is indicated in magenta. An audio-only tie is
indicated in brown.
To create a tie, drag and drop from an input box to an output box. Observe that the
tentative tie is indicated on the screen by a dashed line. To confirm the tie, click the
Take button. The dashed line turns solid to indicate that the tie has been created.
To cancel a tentative tie before taking it, click the Cancel button.
To change the input tied to an output, simply drag and drop from the desired input
to the output and then click Take. The old tie is automatically deleted.
To delete an individual tie, drag and drop from an output back to the tied input and
then click Take. To delete all ties for a specific input, drag and drop from the input
to the trash can and then click Take.
In complex systems, the sheer number of ties can make it difficult to distinguish
a specific tie. If you leave the mouse pointer over an input or output for a few
seconds, an informational box pops up (figure 3-10). The box identifies the virtual
input, the virtual output, any audio gain or attenuation value, and any RGB delay.
If icons have been assigned to the input and output, those are displayed.
Figure 3-10 — Informational pop-up box
To have audio follow video for every tie created, click the Follow all radio button in
the Edit Mode-Virtual box.
If you click the Edit Mode-Virtual Breakaway (by group) radio button, two
checkboxes appear, one for RGB or video (depending on video format) and one for
audio. Clicking in the checkboxes to select or deselect video or audio determines
whether you are tying video, audio, or both the next time you drag and drop.
If you click the Edit Mode-Virtual Breakaway (by plane) radio button, a checkbox
for each video and audio plane in the system appears. Click in the boxes to select
or deselect the each plane and you can tie individual planes.
If you click in the Edit Mode-Physical box, you can view the physical ties by resting
the mouse cursor over an input or output. An informational box similar to the one
shown in figure 3-10 appears.