Dynamic IP Address
All settings are provided by the ISP or are automatically accepted by the AccessPoint.
The Host Name can be optionally entered. Some ISPs require this item.
Dynamic IP addressing can be useful if the AccessPoint is to be integrated into an ex-
isting networking environment, but the WLAN clients are nonetheless to address a dif-
ferent address range.
PPP over Ethernet (e.g. ADSL connection)
This is the default setting for connecting the AP to a DSL modem.
PPPoE Username and Password: Enter the account and password that your ISP has
assigned to you. For security, this field appears blank. If you don't want to change the
password, leave it empty.
MAC address: If a specific MAC address is to be mirrored to the ISP only for the dura-
tion of the PPPoE session, enter this address manually.
IP address (optional): Enter the fixed IP address provided by the ISP here (if applica-
ble), if you plan to run a public server, for example. Otherwise, leave the box empty.
PPPoE Connection Type: Select “auto-connection” if the Internet connection shall
only be opened when requested by the user. After the PPPoE Timeout with no activity
has been reached, the session will be closed automatically. Select “Dial-up on de-
mand” if you want to control the connection manually. In addition, a button Con-
nect/Disconnect will be added on the bottom of the page.