• Open a DOS dialog box on the desktop PC2 and try to ping the WAN port of the
AccessPoint ( Æ ping OK
• Open a DOS dialog box on the desktop PC3 and try to ping the WAN port of the
AccessPoint ( and laptop 1
Æ IP addresses are not accessible
• Laptop 1 calls an Internet domain Æ connection to the Internet is open
• Open a DOS dialog box on laptop 1 and ping laptop 2 and the AccessPoint Æ ping
What effects do these settings have with regard to the security of your network environ-
• The firewall is activated, there is generally no connection between the local and
public networks, protection against DoS and DDoS is assured.
• NAT is active.
• Rule: Local clients can access the unprotected network area (Internet).
• Rule: Only the public desktop PC3 can configure the AP.
• All ports of the local clients are open. Each local client can communicate with the
public network through any port Æ further rules are needed in this respect but are
subject to very many restrictions because all ports would have to be blocked Æ re-
fer to the firewall introduction.