8.5.3 Time Zone
For events to be displayed in the log in terms of their time of occurrence with regard to a
specific time zone, an update is performed over the Internet. The update is prompted via
NTP (Network Time Protocol). The time is updated each time the system restarts, and pe-
riodically every 24 hours. This ensures that the electronic clock of the AP runs synchro-
nously with the corresponding time server. If there is no connection to an ISP (Internet
Service Provider), the clock cannot be adjusted.
8.5.4 DMZ
The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is used if you have received more than one fixed IP ad-
dress from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). This means that the AccessPoint directly
mirrors the registered IP address (e.g., to the Internet even though the
PC/server is directly connected via the LAN connection of the AccessPoint – i.e., locally
with the AccessPoint. Consequently, the device can be directly addressed from the Inter-
L Note that all services (ports) are enabled for the DMZ IP address. As a result, it
might be recommendable to configure access to local resources through the virtual
server with firewall protection instead of using the DMZ.