Color Change
78 312776F
FIG. 79: ProMix 2KS Recipe Purge Chart #9 0 to 0
Purge from 0, No Fill -->
Stack Valves
Solvent A Every recipe 0 entry will flush all components
Dump A Flush out old color
Component A
Solvent B
Dump B Flush out old catalyst
Component B
Separate Gun 1 and Gun 2
Purge from 0 -->
Purge Valves
Exiting Fill Selection Recipe 0: Purge A (Air), Purge B (Solvent), or 3rd Valve on A
First Purge Selection
Select Purge A (Air), Purge B (Solvent), or 3rd Valve on A
Purge A (Air) Fixed for Purge A (Air)
Purge B (Solvent) If Chop Type is "Air/Solvent"
3rd Purge Valve on A
If Chop Type is "Air/3rd Purge"
2 s B Purge after Chop Fixed Purge B. Enabled in Options Screen 2
Final Purge Selection Select Purge A (Air), Purge B (Solvent), or 3rd Valve on A
Separate Gun 1 and Gun 2
No Fill -->
Dose Valves
Dose A
Dose B
GFB Outputs
If No Gun Flush Boxes
Gun Trigger(s) by Operator
1 Gun
Gun Flush Box Output 1
Gun Flush Box Output 2
2 Guns
Gun Flush Box Output 1
Gun Flush Box Output 2
Digital I/O
Color Change Input <- Start of Color Change
Purge Active Output End of Color Change ->
Fill Active Output
Mix Ready Output
Special Outputs <- Start of On-Purge
Special Output #1 <- Length ->
Special Output #2 <- Length ->
Special Output #3 <- Length ->
Special Output #4 <- Length ->
3 + GFB on #4
2KS 0 to 0 K3
Final PurgeFirst Purge
Mixed Fill Time using Sequential Dosing
Mixed Fill Time using Dynamic Dosing
Gun and Hose Flush Operations by Time Gun and Hose Mix Material Fill Operations by Time
This happens on the same time scale as the Dose Valve and Integrator Flush Sequence
Each Integrator Flush Purge, Chop, and Mix Material Fill operation runs sequentially for Gun 1 then for Gun 2
Discrete I/O Signals by Time
Dose Valve and Integrator Flush Sequence Purge Operation Details
From Recipe 0
Dose Valve and Integrator Mix Fill Operations by Time
Dose Valve and Integrator Flush Purge and Chop Operations by Time - From Recipe 0
Exit. Fill Total Chop 2 s B
Waiting A Purge B Purge
Color Change Stack Flush Sequence Color Change Stack Components
ProMix 2KS Recipe Purge Chart #9 0 to 0
Stack Valves Off
Dump A Enabled, 3rd Flush Valve Enabled
Exiting Fill Enabled
Color Change Stack Purge and Fill Operations by Time - From Recipe 0